College Student Anxiety: How can yoga help?

 College Student Anxiety: How can yoga help?

Anxiety is a feeling that most college students experience at some point in their academic career, yoga is a beneficial form of physical activity that can assist in its reduction.


College level education is a difficult and stressful stage of student’s academic career. It is a transitional period where students are required to choose their path and who they want to become. During this time there are many factors that could be putting anxiety and stress on students both inside and outside of the academic setting. There needs to be easy and accessible forms of physical activity for students to incorporate into their daily lives; yoga is a beneficial option. Yoga is a type of exercise that focuses on physical, mental, and spiritual practices using breathing and movement control to relax the mind.


1. Studies show that yoga is most effective for college students when it is performed on student’s own time or incorporated into their course schedule. A consistent yoga schedule can lead to increase in self compassion and mindfulness, both of which reduce anxiety and stress levels significantly.

2College students tend to struggle finding time to incorporate physical activity into their busy schedules, however yoga is an accessible form of physical activity. When students can make time for yoga they find physical relaxation, mental quiet, less fatigue, and more joy

3. Having a good relationship with oneself is something college students can struggle with, leading to                additional stress on top of their workload and social lives. Yoga can leave students feeling calm, focused, and empowered. Which improves quality of life, self- reflection, and self-esteem.


As a college student it is easy to get overwhelmed and overworked to the point where physical and mental health are being neglected. To successfully incorporate yoga into the daily lives and routines of college students it needs to be easily accessible, cost effective, and flexible. Some options for students and universities that meet these criteria include:

  1. Yoga classes offered as a course for credits during the semester

  2. Free yoga in the fitness center once a week

  3. Finding a schedule that is practical and manageable for themselves and creating a routine that can be performed in their room


1. “This is tranquility Yoga Spa Playlist”

2. Woodyard C. (2011). Exploring the therapeutic effects of yoga and its ability to increase quality of life. International journal of yoga, 4(2), 49–54. 


Madison Horan is a senior at Westfield State University studying movement science with a concentration in sports medicine. She hopes to continue her education with the goal of becoming a physical therapist. Madison can be reached at


Gorvine, M. M., Zaller, N. D., Hudson , H. K., Demers, D., & Kennedy, L. A. (2019, March 7). A naturalistic study of yoga, meditation, self-perceived stress, self-compassion, and mindfulness in college students. Taylor & Francis. Retrieved November 5, 2022, from

Tripathi, M. N., Kumari, S., & Ganpat, T. S. (2018). Psychophysiological effects of yoga on stress in college students. Journal of education and health promotion, 7, 43.

Villate, V. M. (2015). Yoga for college students: an empowering form of movement and connection. The Physical Educator72(1), 44.
