How can Music be Utilized Before Competition?

 How can Music be Utilized before Competition?  










 There are so many types of music that we are all listen to. What type of music do you think will make you play better and have a better mindset?  Listening to music helps in so many ways, how will it help you during athletic performance?


Evidence-based points

 Calming music makes athletes play well because they are less nervous and have a better mindset. If you have a bad mindset calming music will calm you down which will make you more positive during a match.

2.     If you are under aroused you should be listening to fast and loud music examples are wrap, and hip-hop music to amp you up. If you are over aroused, you should listen to slow music like classical or jazz music.

3.     Genres of music can have such an impact on athletes and people mentally. It can change a whole person’s perspective on how they play.  



Practical applications

 Athletes should have ideas of what songs affect them emotionally to make them play well. They need to understand how important music is.

2.     This study needs to be long term because it is only showing just the surface which is fast and slow paste music.

      Athletes should figure what type of music works best for you and just keep listening to it because it can make you have a better impact in the future.

      Sometimes athletes will pick songs to listen to just off what their favorite song is, but not what is going to make them play better.


Resources for Audience 

effects-of-music-on-athletic-performance-Cailen-Andrews.pdf (


2.     Listening to Music Increases Athletic Performance (

Bio Photo




Emily Slater is a movement science major at Westfield State University with a concentration in Sports Medicine.  When she graduates, she will continue her education and become a physical therapist. You can reach her at




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